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Circle of Security Parenting Program for Trans Caregivers

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Transgender, gender diverse, non-binary, genderqueer or questioning caregivers (parents, foster carers and kinship carers) can come together and experience the Circle of Security Parenting Program in an inclusive environment. The learning objectives of the program are for caregivers to learn to understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read their emotional needs, support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions, enhance the development of their child's self-esteem and honor their innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure.

Caregivers will have a 1-hour individual intake appointment to learn more about the program, decide if the program is right for them and hear about other helpful resources if needed ($311). The group then involves 8 X weekly 90-minute sessions where the group watches videos of caregivers and children interacting and a presenter talking about how to build secure attachment with their child, then reflecting together as a group with the support of the facilitator ($600). Clare Billings (she/they) is Registered Facilitator of COSP TM and Clinical Psychologist.

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