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Social Butterflies

  • Community Group
  • Events

164 Church St
Richmond, Victoria 3121

We are a safe space for trans femmes, queers and allies. Social Butterflies host a monthly meet-up at DTs, typically on the fourth Friday of the month, but we do alter dates to avoid public holidays.

Since January 2021 we have been meeting monthly. Our events are specifically catered for the closeted. The warm and comfortable environment of DTs Hotel makes for a relatively stress free debut in your chosen gender. And for our regulars, it is a familiar home base to meet old friends monthly, trade tips, stories and to enjoy the therapeutic feeling of being in an environment where you are surrounded by people who understand what it feels like to be gender diverse.

Some quotes from our regulars:
"This event quite literally changed my life. I not only met some wonderful people and made new friends but found my true self as well."
"Thanks for making the event!! Life changing. Had a great time and met so many amazing people."
"I left with a feeling of belonging and can't help thinking it will be significant in my life."

Come say "hi."

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