
If you know of any services that are not in this list, please let us know by submitting the form linked below.

Metro North Adult's Gender Service

  • Clinic
  • Mental Health Support
  • Psychiatrist
  • Sexual Health
  • Voice Training
  • Trans Business
  • HRT Provider

Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Butterfield Street
Herston, Queensland 4029

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The Adult's Gender Service is based at the RBWH and provides multidisciplinary time-limited affirmative health care to people experiencing gender dysphoria/incongruence, who are seeking support with gender-affirmation. Service users are provided access to Social Work, Psychology, Speech Pathology, Endocrinology, Psychiatry and GP with Special Interest. Assessment and affirmative interventions vary according to the need of each individual. Surgical services are not offered. Referrals accepted from GP's only and must include all of the essential information that is listed on the referral page. Service users must have a GP, as they will be discharged back into their care for ongoing medical and mental health management (where relevant).
Please note:
Referrals accepted for ages 17 years and over
Service users must reside in QLD
Must be eligible for Medicare
Current wait is 14+ months

Last Update
