
If you know of any services that are not in this list, please let us know by submitting the form linked below.

The Albion Centre and t150 Service

  • Clinic
  • Sexual Health
  • HRT Provider

150 Albion St
Surry Hills, New South Wales 2010

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The Albion Centre offers free trans-friendly and inclusive sexual health care as well as PrEP initiation and monitoring to all trans and gender-diverse clients. People who do not access t150 for gender affirming hormone therapy can access The Albion Centres services.

**Please Note: t150 are not currently accepting new clients for gender-affirming hormone therapy and may resume taking new clients in April 2024. The Albion Centre will continue offering sexual health care and/or PrEP initiation and management. Please call The Albion Centre and speak with a nurse if you need assistance with finding a healthcare service**

The t150 Clinic is a service provided as part of The Albion Centre. T150 offers HIV and Sexual Healthcare as well as gender affirming hormone therapy, assessment, and management for eligible clients.
Due to limited resources, for a person to access t150 they must be eligible as part of our identified priority populations.

To enquire, please call The Albion Centre and speak with a nurse.

Last Update
