Directory | QLD

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Displaying 101 - 102 of 102

Skin at Bardon

  • Hair Removal

11/60 MacGregor Terrace
Bardon, Queensland 4065

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Gender-Affirming Hair Removal & Pre-Surgical Preparation
At our salon, we are proud to offer specialised hair removal and skin treatments tailored to the needs of our transition clients. Our experienced team provides safe, effective, and supportive care in a welcoming and affirming environment.

Electrolysis Hair Removal
Electrolysis is the only FDA-approved permanent hair removal method, making it an essential treatment for clients preparing for gender-affirming surgeries or seeking long-term hair removal. We use advanced electrolysis technology to target and destroy hair follicles at the root, ensuring lasting results. This treatment is ideal for facial hair removal, genital preparation, and any areas where complete and permanent hair removal is desired.

IPL Hair Removal – Full Body
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal is a highly effective solution for reducing unwanted hair on the face and body. This treatment offers a faster and less invasive option for clients looking to achieve smooth skin with minimal downtime. IPL is particularly beneficial for large areas such as the legs, arms, chest, back, and bikini area, providing long-term hair reduction .

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Scope Psychology Services Australia

  • Mental Health Support

24 Oxford St
Bulimba, Queensland 4171

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Scope supports neurodivergent individuals living with neurodevelopmental conditions.

Our goal is to deliver high-quality psychology services for clients across all stages of life. Our team of psychologists specialises in providing tailored solutions for adults, children, adolescents, older adults, and everyone in between.

Scope is a truly neuro-affirming practice. All of our practitioners and team members value lived experience and take the position of an ally in every interaction. Our services are strengths-based and built around the self-identified needs of our clients. We always aim to identify environmental change to support our clients without changing the individual. Our team includes ND and NT individuals and we can't wait to meet you!

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