Equality Australia – The best and brightest of NSW urge Minns Government to act on LGBTQIA+ Equality Bill 


This article was originally published by Equality Australia. You can find the original article here.

25 September 2024 – Leading Australians have come together to call on the NSW government to pass the Equality Bill and make all people and families equal in the state. 

Olympian Ian Thorpe, performer Shane Jenek (Courtney Act) and world-renowned chef Kylie Kwong attended a meet-and-greet in parliament house on Wednesday to advocate for their LGBTIQ+ community.  

“I have represented Australia and this state and been incredibly proud to do so and yet it has never fully been my state because of a range of laws that discriminate against me and my community,” Ian Thorpe said. 

“Most Australians would be shocked to learn that discrimination like this still exists in a place like NSW in 2024.” 

The bill will update our laws, better protect people from violence and recognise more rainbow families.   

“These discriminatory laws impact people in my community every day,” said Shane Jenek. 

“Here in NSW, home of Mardi Gras, World Pride and Oxford Street, we live with some of Australia’s most outdated and discriminatory laws.”

“We just want equality and a fair go.”  

NSW is also one of the last remaining states where trans and gender diverse people face cruel and unnecessary barriers, including the only place to require surgery on reproductive organs, in order to access ID documents that recognise them for who they are.   

“Our communities have been waiting decades for reforms that will bring NSW closer into line with other states,” said Kylie Kwong. 

“It’s time all LGBTIQ+ people can live safe and free and truly included in our amazing state.” 

Equality Australia Anna Brown said the bill also removed stigmatising language for people with HIV and enabled people to get an AVO against partners who threatened to ‘out’ them. 

“The LGBTIQ+ community is subjected to many debates about our lives. These debates take a toll and we are seeking an outcome, not just debate. There’s no time to delay, NSW should move forward with the LGBTIQ+ Equality Bill.” 

Debate on the NSW Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023 is expected later this year. 

Media contact: Emily Mulligan, [email protected], 0411 207 633 

This article was originally published by Equality Australia. You can find the original article here.

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