News & Advocacy

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Picture of Abbie -

Abbie - is a national directory of trans and gender diverse services and community groups.

Maps Upgrade LAUNCHED!

Our newest maps have been recently launched, offering enhanced layout and improved functionality while retaining all the previous information. Key features of the updated maps include: We hope you like this upgrade, and we’re always seeking feedback for our maps and other offerings across the site. If you know of a service that we don’t have listed, please let us know by filling out the form found here.

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Equality Australia

#TransEquality – Trans rights as human rights survey

Hey folks, we’ve recently been sent a survey by the fantastic team of #TransEquality from Equality Australia and we wanted to take the time to share it here with you all as it will help immensely inform government and the Australian Human Rights Commission …

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Research call for trans people who have been incarcerated in Australian prisons

Hello everyone! We recently had someone send us this and we wanted to help share a call for participants for a research project on the experiences of trans people in Australian prisons. They’re looking for people who are over 18, who identify anywhere outside of cis, and who have spent time in an Australian prison at any time in the past. Participation includes a 1-2 hour one-on-one interview with Charlie (research team) and it is paid.

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