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Equality Australia

Equality Australia is a national organisation dedicated to equality for LGBTIQ+ people. We combine legal, policy and communications expertise with thousands of supporters to ensure LGBTIQ+ people are treated with dignity and respect.
Equality Australia

Equality Australia – Equality Australia backs grandmother’s fight to reverse Western Sydney council ban on same sex families

8 May, 2024 – National LGBTIQ+ group Equality Australia is backing a proud grandmother in her fight to reverse a decision by her Western Sydney council to ban books featuring same-sex parents. Cumberland City Council last week voted in favour of a motion to rid its eight publicly funded libraries of any books that contain material […]

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Equality Australia

Equality Australia – Women’s, faith, community and health voices back NSW LGBTIQA+ reforms

30 April 2024 – Welfare, health, family, faith and women’s groups have joined forces with LGBTIQ+ groups to call on the state government to back the NSW Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023 and remove legal discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people. Signed by 80 organisations, the letter to NSW Premier Chris Minns includes the Australian Services Union, […]
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Equality Australia

Equality Australia – LGBTIQA+ advocates welcome end of ‘Gender Reassignment Board’, urge WA Government to go further

17 April 2024 – WA and national LGBTIQA+ groups have today welcomed the introduction of a Bill abolishing the WA Gender Reassignment Board, but say that the long-awaited gender recognition reforms should go further to recognise all trans and gender diverse people. The WA Births, Deaths and Marriages Reform Amendment (Sex or Gender Changes) Bill […]

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Equality Australia

Equality Australia – Cass Review out-of-line with medical consensus and lacks relevance in Australian context

10 April, 2024 – England’s Cass review ignores the consensus of major medical bodies around the world and lacks relevance within an Australian context, say medical practitioners, trans advocates, parents and human rights groups. The Cass review downplays the risk of denying treatment to young people with gender dysphoria and limits their options by placing […]

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Equality Australia

Equality Australia – Equality Australia welcomes PM’s stance on protections for LGBTIQ+ staff and students

March 26, 2024 - Equality Australia has welcomed reports that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is open to working with the Greens to secure support for reforms that will protect LGBTQ+ students and staff in religious schools. “We welcome this broader approach to ensure these vital protections pass through the parliament,” said Equality Australia Legal Director Ghassan Kassisieh. […]

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Equality Australia

Equality Australia – Discrimination endemic in religious schools around Australia: new report finds

March 25, 2024 - LGBTQ+ discrimination is endemic in religious schools and organisations around Australia, a groundbreaking report by Equality Australia has found. Australia is also out of step with international law and practice and LGBTQ+ students are more likely to attend an independent school that discriminates against them than supports them. Reform is urgently needed at […]

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