OUTInPerth – Just.Equal Australia says it’s concerning WA Premier Roger Cook won’t commit to law reforms
Advocacy group says government’s answers to key election issues are vague and baffling.
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Advocacy group says government’s answers to key election issues are vague and baffling.
The case is a landmark ruling for transgender rights.
Parliament is expected to continue working on the legislation next week.
As the bill is debated MPs have raised concern about sporting facilities, health care, sex offenders and a wide range of issues.
Members of the LGBTIQA+ communities, their friends and families gathered at the Northbridge ‘Pride’ Piazza on Sunday as Queer Liberation Boorloo held a rally focusing on the government’s pledge to remove the Gender Reassignment Board. Debate on the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Sex or Gender Changes) Bill 2024 resumed in the Legislative Council […]
Despite Labor MPs claiming the removal of the body as one of their achievements, they have not actually passed the legislation yet.
The Liberal candidate says its akin to “conversion therapy”.
They’ll hold a rally for transgender rights in the Northbridge Piaza on Sunday 11th August.
The Albany councillor has been ordered to undertake training on respectful and inclusive workplaces.
Just.Equal Australia has renewed its call for a national LGBTIQA+ Commissioner
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