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Stories from OUTInPerth.


OUTInPerth – Union seeks paid gender affirmation leave for public sector workers

The Community and Public Sector/Civil Service Association (CPSU/CSA) are calling on the WA government to include leave for Gender Affirmation for the state’s public sector workers. Earlier this month the CPSU/CSA initiated bargaining for a replacement Public Sector Civil Service Association Agreement 2022. One claim includes seeking 30 paid days of Gender Affirmation Leave per annum […]

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OUTInPerth – March 31: Sunset Community Picnic for Trans Day of Visibility

Sunday 31 March is Transgender Day of Visibility, an international celebration of transgender and gender diverse lives, identities, achievements and triumphs. The day was founded in 2009 by US activist Rachel Crandall. While the long running Transgender Day of Remembrance is marked around the world in November, Cundall wanted to create a celebratory day that put […]

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OUTInPerth – Pauline Hanson’s latest push for a gender medicine inquiry failed

Senator Pauline Hanson’s latest attempt to establish a parliamentary inquiry into the treatment of adolescents who experience gender dysphoria has failed. On Wednesday the One Nation leader put forward a motion calling for the Community Affairs References Committee asking them to look into a range of issues relating to transgender health care. Senator Hanson’s motion lists […]

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OUTInPerth – Press Council says ‘The Australian’ breached standards in trans article

The Australian Press Council has found The Australian newspaper failed to meet expected standards of journalism with its reporting when it published an opinion piece from Patrick Parkinson, an emeritus professor of law at the University of Queensland and a former chair of the Family Law Council. The article was published on 13 June 2023, headed Gender affirming’ care is destroying vulnerable […]

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