Equality Australia – Community dismayed at delays to NSW Equality Bill


This article was originally published by Equality Australia. You can find the original article here.

8 August 2024 – LGBTIQ+ groups have expressed disappointment at delays to the Equality Bill, saying all people and families should be equal in NSW.  

The NSW Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023 was listed for debate in parliament on Thursday but has been pushed back until later in the year. 

Equality Australia Anna Brown said the LGBTIQ+ community was dismayed by the delay. 

“Our communities and their families live with some of the nation’s most outdated and discriminatory laws and it’s time they changed so that all people and families are equal in NSW,” Ms Brown said. 

“Every day we delay these reforms more harm is being done.” 

The bill will close carve-outs that allow religious schools and organisations to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people, better protect people from violence and recognise more rainbow families.  

NSW is also one of the last remaining states where trans and gender diverse people face cruel and unnecessary barriers, including the only place to require surgery on reproductive organs, in order to access ID documents that recognise them for who they are.  

“Equality and a fair go for everyone is not too much for citizens to ask of their government, and NSW needs to catch-up with the rest of Australia on these long overdue reforms,” Ms Brown said.  

In April 80 organisations signed a letter to NSW Premier Chris Minns calling on him to support the Equality Bill including the Australian Services Union, NCOSS, Women’s Health NSW, Women’s Electoral Lobby, Pitt Street Uniting Church, the Black Dog Institute and Rainbow Families. 

Twenty10 CEO Jain Moralee:  

“Our hope is that NSW Parliament understands the direct and positive life changing impact the Equality Bill will have on young LGBTIQA+ people and those that support them. Delaying the Bill risks young people in NSW experiencing unnecessary harm and distress. 

“Twenty10’s work envisions safer and accessible education, social services and healthcare settings for young LGBTIQA+ people and they are thriving, celebrated and affirmed and the Equality Bill supports this vision.” 

ACON CEO Nicolas Parkhill AM:  

“We hope the Equality Bill remains on the parliamentary agenda to be passed into law as soon as possible. The Bill provides important and necessary legislative framework, and protective factors, to help ensure the health and wellbeing of sexuality and gender diverse people in NSW.” 

“The reforms the Equality Bill contains follow best practice in other Australian jurisdictions. Passing the Equality Bill would be a step forward for NSW towards a more inclusive, respectful and safe society for our communities to live.”  

Ashley Scott, Executive Officer Rainbow Families: 

“Children are children – they need and deserve our protection. To deprive a child of the security and certainty of legal parentage because of some ideological objection to the manner of their conception is both inhuman and inhumane. 

“Children should be equal before the law regardless of the circumstances of their conception, and nothing is gained from criminalising loving and caring parents.” 

Media contact: Tara Ravens 0408 898 154, [email protected]

This article was originally published by Equality Australia. You can find the original article here.

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