Equality Australia – PM’s broken promise a betrayal of vulnerable students and teachers


This article was originally published by Equality Australia. You can find the original article here.

13 Aug 2024 – The Albanese Government has broken an election promise to the LGBTIQ+ community and put students and staff at risk of harm by not introducing religious discrimination reforms, Equality Australia says. 

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Friday said the window for action had passed because an agreement could not be reached with the opposition. 

“Our community’s needs have again been overlooked and blatant injustices ignored,” said Equality Australia CEO Anna Brown. 

“This news is devastating to every Australian waiting for better protections including gay and trans teachers, pregnant women, people who are divorced or in de facto relationships, as well as people of faith. 

“More children are going to miss out on leadership roles or be refused enrolment, teachers will continue to lose their jobs or be denied promotions while many more live with the constant fear that someone will finally discover who they are.” 

A report earlier this year by the Australian Law Reform Commission found there was strong public support, including among parents and people of faith, for removing special exemptions allowing religious schools to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people and others. It also found that the religious ethos of a school could be maintained without exemptions.  

“Religious schools should not have to harm students or punish teachers to uphold their faith. This is not who we are as a nation and it doesn’t reflect what many people of faith want or believe to be fair,” Ms Brown said. 

“Only two years ago five Liberal MPs crossed the floor to vote with Labor to back changes to the Sex Discrimination Act to protect trans students. There is support for the reforms that would protect LGBTQ+ staff and students among the Greens and crossbench.  

“The government is playing a dangerous game by not acting now and pursuing the available pathway through parliament when the stakes are so high for thousands of vulnerable Australians.” 

The prime minister could have taken “simple and quick steps” to make good on the election commitment he made to the LGBTIQ+ community to protect students and staff in religious schools. 

“We have spent more than a decade raising this issue, with many reviews and attempts to change the law. The government may have just squandered the best chance in a generation to ensure students and staff are protected in all Australian schools,” Ms Brown said. 

Media contact: Tara Ravens, [email protected], 0408 898 154 or Emily Mulligan, [email protected], 0411 207 633  

This article was originally published by Equality Australia. You can find the original article here.

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