Equality Tasmania – Christian Schools Wrong on Conversion Law


This article was originally published by Equality Tasmania. You can find the original article here.

Equality Tasmania says Christian Schools Australia and Australian Association of Christian Schools are wrong to say conversion legislation is “a solution in search of a problem”.

Spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“National and local research, including research commissioned by the Tasmanian Government, shows that 5% of LGBTIQA+ have been through formal conversion practices.”

“Half of young LGBTIQA+ people who have experienced conversion practices have experienced them in the last twelve months.”

“This should come as no surprise given Tasmanian clergy like Pastor Wes Bredenhof of the Free Reform Church in Launceston have stated publicly they undertake conversion practices.”

Mr Croome also said Christian Schools Australia and Australian Association of Christian Schools are wrong to suggest conversion legislation will constrain or change clinical treatment of young transgender and gender diverse people.

“The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute recommended that conversion legislation not alter existing clinical guidelines for the treatment of young trans and gender diverse people.”

“We support that recommendation.”

Equality Tasmania has panned the Tasmanian Government bill saying that the definition of conversion practices is too narrow, the exemptions are too wide and the penalties almost unenforceable.

“The Government’s draft is worse than useless because it will give a green light to some of the most common and most harmful conversion practices,” Mr Croome said.

For a copy of the Christian Schools’ statement: https://journalists.medianet.com.au/Release/998097/4549969

For a copy of this statement on the web, click here 

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.

This article was originally published by Equality Tasmania. You can find the original article here.

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