Trans Justice Project – Wrap-up: Trans Justice Strategy Retreat


This article was originally published by the Trans Justice Project. You can find the original article here.

Last month, the Trans Justice Project organised our first ever Trans Justice Strategy Retreat. Over three days on beautiful Wurundjeri Country, we brought together more than 100 trans campaigners and allies from across this continent to talk about how we build a powerful movement for trans justice and fight back against the anti-trans lobby.

This retreat was one of the largest ever gatherings of trans justice campaigners, allies, and activists in Australia. There was a great diversity of attendees, including everyone from grassroots activists, to parents of trans kids, clinicians, researchers, and long-time advocates. Representatives from thirty-five organisations attended, from large NGOs like Equality Australia, to smaller trans-positive not-for-profit organisations like Inner City Legal Centre.

Alistair, Cass and Jack spoke on our First Nations panel about their experiences as trans First Nations people and how we can decolonise trans justice. Max, the Trans Equality Coordinator from Equality Australia, gave a presentation about their process for winning trans law reform. Transcend Australia hosted a panel of youth advocates who discussed how to show solidarity with trans youth. Varo from South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance spoke about the threats posed to trans healthcare and how we can protect it. And It was such a privilege to listen to our community members talk about the vital work they’re doing, empowering us all with the information we need to more effectively campaign for trans justice.

Most of the agenda was participant-led, with dedicated time for open space discussion groups. We also had caucuses for First Nations people, people of colour, disabled folks, and trans youth. Since the retreat, multiple participants have told us just how empowering and important these spaces were to them. We spend so much of our lives as trans people feeling like we are alone. These caucuses gave many people their first opportunity to connect in-person with other trans folks of similar ages, experiences, and backgrounds.

Our goal for the retreat was to foster new connections among campaigners, cross-pollinate ideas, hone our skills, and strengthen our movement through collaboration. We are now more ready than ever to take on the anti-trans lobby, and win a better future for all trans and gender diverse people.

This retreat was a historic moment for our community, but our fight for trans justice is just getting started. In the months ahead we have a plan to grow our movement massively by starting a new network of local groups, running our first Trans Justice Organising Fellowship, and escalating our campaigns against the anti-trans lobby. We need to grow our movement and escalate our campaigns, to not only counter the attacks, but win a future where trans and gender diverse people are safe, celebrated, and free.

We know that when our community works together, we are unstoppable. One day, when anti-trans discrimination is totally defeated, and all trans and gender diverse people enjoy equality, safety and freedom, it will be because of the work of our entire community fighting for justice.

We want to give a special shout-out to our sponsors who helped make this retreat possible:

  • ACON
  • LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
  • Minus18
  • Switchboard Victoria
  • Queensland Council for LGBTI Health
  • Speak Australia
  • Thorne Harbour Health
  • Transcend Australia
  • Twenty10

Thank you to all those who attended and supported the first Trans Justice Strategy Retreat for making it so powerful and beautiful. We look forward to working alongside our entire community as we fight for justice and equality for trans and gender diverse people.

To join our campaigns, sign up to our mailing list at

All photos by Dijana Risteska. Represented by Theresa Harrison Productions

This article was originally published by the Trans Justice Project. You can find the original article here.

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