Trans Justice Project – Mobilise for Equality


In just a few weeks, the Equality Bill, a ground-breaking omnibus bill put forward by Alex Greenwich MP, will likely go up for debate in NSW State Parliament. 

The Equality Bill is a massive opportunity to dramatically improve the lives of our entire community. If it passes it will update birth certificate laws to allow trans people to amend their gender markers without the need for surgery, better recognise rainbow families, improve discrimination protections, and complete the work to decriminalise sex work.

However, these life-changing reforms are under threat. Anti-equality lobbyists have spent months stoking fear to try and fracture political support for the Bill. Furthermore, the NSW Government has thus far refused to pledge its support for the Bill in its entirety.

We can’t let this opportunity pass us by. We need to show the NSW Government just how important these reforms are to our community, and that we are willing to fight for them. That’s why next Monday we are hosting a snap webinar to mobilise support for the Equality Bill.

Mobilise for Equality – Free Online Webinar
Mon 15th Jul 2024, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm AEST 

On this free webinar you will have the opportunity to learn the latest information on the campaign, take action to support the Bill, and connect with others who are also ready to make a difference.

Since the NSW Government still has not committed to passing the Bill in full, the next few weeks are going to be critical. The actions we take now will have a huge impact on what reforms will get passed in the final Bill.

RSVP now and together let’s help make NSW the equality state.

Help us get the word out about this snap webinar by sharing with your communities, coworkers, and on your social media.

In solidarity for trans justice,

Jackie Turner
Director, Trans Justice Project

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