Calls for submissions for threats to TGD Human Rights


It has recently come to our attention that the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is currently conducting a national project to map threats to trans and gender diverse human rights across Australia. We would really love for you to get involved and help the AHRC find and map the threats that we are facing across Australia. There’s a particular focus on circumstances, events, forces, groups, situations, trends, and other phenomena that endanger or violate our human rights.

They are looking for responses from individuals as well as organisational responses as well, especially for the lived experiences of trans and gender diverse folks across the country.

The areas that they are looking into primarily include:

  • Anti-trans mobilisation, dis- and misinformation, and extremism and radicalisation  
  • Education, employment, healthcare, housing, migration, service provision and the law  
  • Non-personal information relating to anti-TGD abuse, discrimination, harassment, vilification and violence 
  • Plus more…

Please note, that they aren’t after personal stories at this time but more along the thoughts of research and analysis.

Submissions are due by 11:59 PM Friday, 12 April 2024 and should be no longer than 2,500 words.

Support Services 

We appreciate that this subject may be discomforting or distressing, especially for trans and gender diverse people with lived experience working in this area. If you or someone you know is in an emergency and needs assistance now, call triple zero (000). 

 You can also find support through the following services, free of charge: 

ServiceSOGIESC* Specific FocusContactHours
Beyond Blue (national)× Anxiety and 
depression support
1300 22 4636      24 hours, 7 days a week
Lifeline (national)× Crisis mental health support with  
suicide prevention services
13 11 1424 hours,  
7 days a week
Qlife (national)LGBTQ peer support and referral1800 184 5273 PM to midnight
Meridian  (ACT)Face-to-face counselling 
and social groups
6257 28559 AM to 4 PM, 
 Monday to Friday
ACON (NSW)Counselling, health promotion, 
peer education, and substance support
1800 063 0609 AM – 6 PM,  
Monday to Friday
NTHAC (NT)Referral8944 77778:30 AM – 5 PM,  
Monday to Friday  
(closed 12 – 1 PM)
Diverse Voices (QLD)Counselling services (online)1800 184 5273 PM to midnight, everyday
Bfriend (SA)Peer support1800 615 6779 AM – 5 PM,  
Monday to Friday
Switchboard (VIC)LGBTQ peer support and referral1800 729 36710 AM to 5 PM,  

Working It Out (TAS)
Face-to-face, video and phone support sessions and social groups
6231 12009 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday
* SOGIESCsexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics

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The post LGBTIQ+ community groups urge inclusion of trans and intersex people in 2026 Census  appeared first on Equality Australia.

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