Actions speak louder than words in this new awareness campaign


The Victorian Government has revealed its “The Unsaid Says A Lot” campaign to address everyday discrimination against trans and gender diverse people.

Despite increasing acceptance of LGBTIAQ+ people and greater media visibility, research from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society reveals that trans and gender diverse people still feel unsafe in public and often face unfair treatment based on their gender identity. In response to this, “The Unsaid Says A Lot” campaign depicts instances of the everyday rejection and harassment trans people face, contrasted with examples of kindness and welcoming.

Harriet Shing, Minister for Equality, stated “This campaign is all about encouraging people to stop and think about how their actions towards trans and gender diverse people can make a huge difference – for better or for worse.”

“We know that our interactions with others really matter, and this campaign is part of our ongoing work to reduce discrimination and stigma, and to contribute to more inclusive connections for trans and gender diverse people.”

“With this campaign we are inviting all Victorians to think about how they act and what they can do to help shape equality in our state.”

The campaign, which was launched on June 26, comprises short films, posters, and images to be shared on social media. Each film and image focuses on an ordinary action that can make trans and gender diverse people safe or unsafe. While one film shows a cis woman hurrying to leave an elevator after a trans woman walks in, another depicts a cis man inviting a gender diverse person to sit next to him on a tram. The campaign focuses on nonverbal communication, displaying judgements and thoughts in text to emphasise that actions speak louder than words.

Director Harvey Zielinski noted “I think this campaign is really important and powerful and I’m really pleased to be involved, especially in light of the vitriol we’ve witnessed towards the trans and gender diverse community over the past year.”

“I wish we didn’t need to campaign for respect. I believe acceptance and inclusion should be a given, a bare minimum societally. I hope campaigns like this help work towards this goal, and improve the day-to-day lives of trans and gender-diverse people.”

“The Unsaid Says A Lot” is part of the Government’s “Pride in Our Future: Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ Strategy 2022-32” and is available in English, Vietnamese, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

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