Research call for trans people who have been incarcerated in Australian prisons


Hello everyone! We recently had someone send us this and we wanted to help share a call for participants for a research project on the experiences of trans people in Australian prisons. They’re looking for people who are over 18, who identify anywhere outside of cis, and who have spent time in an Australian prison at any time in the past. Participation includes a 1-2 hour one-on-one interview with Charlie (research team) and it is paid.

The interviews will be driven by your experiences, so each one will be individual – but content discussed may include (among others!) your experiences with community, healthcare, safety, and services while you were incarcerated.

Link to complete the participation form is below:

Also, please – if you don’t meet the project’s parameters but you know someone who does, it would be wonderful if you could pass this information on!

This project has been approved by Flinders University’s Human Research Ethics Committee Project No: 5783

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