#TransEquality – Trans rights as human rights survey


Hey folks, we’ve recently been sent a survey by the fantastic team of #TransEquality from Equality Australia and we wanted to take the time to share it here with you all as it will help immensely inform government and the Australian Human Rights Commission when it comes to ensuring that our voices are heard as trans and gender diverse Australians. So please, join me in completing this survey so that we can have our voices heard.

Are you trans or gender diverse? We want to hear from you. 

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is conducting a landmark project mapping current and emerging human rights issues for trans and gender diverse people in Australia. 

Equality Australia is making a submission with the voices of our trans and gender diverse community upfront. If you’re trans or gender diverse, your voice is needed to help shape the way forward.

From housing to healthcare, employment to safety; your voice will help change lives now and for generations to come. 

Take our quick survey and let us know what issues you want addressed to ensure trans and gender diverse people can live their lives equally, with dignity and respect.

The survey will only take around 6 minutes to complete. You can also have your say anonymously.

Your input is invaluable, and we want to hear about your experience!

Please note, most of these questions are optional, and we encourage you to reach out to the numbers of support at the bottom of the survey if you need.

Thank you for raising your voice, 

Max Pick, #TransEquality Coordinator

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