Trans Justice Project – Our impact in 2024
2024 was Trans Justice Project’s biggest year yet.
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Trans Justice Project articles
2024 was Trans Justice Project’s biggest year yet.
Trans healthcare is essential for all trans individuals, encompassing routine care and gender-affirming treatments like hormones and surgeries. Healthcare providers must understand trans issues and respect our identities. Many face obstacles such as stigma and costs, but gender-affirming care is life-changing and endorsed by major medical organizations.
In just a few weeks, the Equality Bill, a ground-breaking omnibus bill put forward by Alex Greenwich MP, will likely go up for debate in NSW State Parliament.
Last Monday the peak body for psychiatry, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP), platformed an anti-trans lobby group at their annual conference.
Last month, the Trans Justice Project organised our first ever Trans Justice Strategy Retreat. Over three days on beautiful Wurundjeri Country, we brought together more than 100 trans campaigners and allies from across this continent to talk about how we build a powerful movement for trans justice and fight back against the anti-trans lobby. […]
The Trans Justice Project has just released their impact report for 2023!
Trans.au was founded on unceded Aboriginal Land. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, their Ancestors and Elders past and present. We recognise the ongoing connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have to the land, waterways, air, and people.
We acknowledge First Nations Peoples resilience and strength – especially that which we see in Brotherboys and Sistergirls who always have been and always will be an important part of Aboriginal culture and community.
© Trans.au 2023-2025 | Created by AbbieGator